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Last Saved By Sofokus Admin
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Table superset_legacy_master
Created By Sofokus Admin
Changed By Sofokus Admin
Uuid 02a01d31-63f4-82a8-1ea9-b0bbbb66cf25
Created On 2018-11-29 16:10:57
Changed On 2019-11-04 11:43:32
Name Projects and Partnerships per Programming Period
Datasource Id 1
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name superset_legacy_master
Visualization Type dist_bar
Parameters {"adhoc_filters": [{"clause": "WHERE", "comparator": "", "expressionType": "SIMPLE", "filterOptionName": "filter_0mzed70nnejl_gh1mf1our6r", "fromFormData": true, "operator": "IS NOT NULL", "sqlExpression": null, "subject": "period"}, {"clause": "WHERE", "comparator": ["BBB"], "expressionType": "SIMPLE", "filterOptionName": "6c109fcf-150d-46bf-ab38-4a001683752b", "fromFormData": true, "operator": "in", "sqlExpression": null, "subject": "dummycol"}], "bar_stacked": false, "bottom_margin": "auto", "color_scheme": "keep", "columns": [], "contribution": false, "datasource": "1__table", "extra_width": 0, "granularity_sqla": "project_start", "groupby": ["period"], "metrics": ["Number of Projects", "Number of Partnerships"], "order_bars": false, "reduce_x_ticks": false, "row_limit": null, "show_bar_value": false, "show_controls": true, "show_legend": true, "slice_id": 221, "time_range": "No filter", "url_params": {}, "viz_type": "dist_bar", "x_axis_label": "Programming Period", "x_ticks_layout": "auto", "y_axis_format": "d", "y_axis_label": "Number of Projects and Partnerships"}
Query Context None
Description None
Cache Timeout None
Perm [keep_drupal_staging].[superset_legacy_master](id:1)
Schema Perm None
Last Saved At 2019-11-04 11:43:32
Certified By None
Certification Details None
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