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Last Saved By Sofokus Admin
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Table superset_legacy_collaborations
Created By Sofokus Admin
Changed By Sofokus Admin
Uuid d98868b7-c9b1-d521-8de0-b6040fc6caac
Created On 2018-12-10 13:00:45
Changed On 2019-11-08 16:33:28
Name Cooperation among countries (# of projects in common)
Datasource Id 5
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name superset_legacy_collaborations
Visualization Type dist_bar
Parameters {"adhoc_filters": [], "bar_stacked": true, "bottom_margin": "auto", "color_scheme": "keep_many", "columns": ["target"], "contribution": false, "datasource": "5__table", "granularity_sqla": null, "groupby": ["source"], "metrics": ["Number of Collaborations"], "order_bars": false, "reduce_x_ticks": false, "row_limit": 100, "show_bar_value": true, "show_controls": true, "show_legend": true, "slice_id": 257, "time_range": "No filter", "url_params": {}, "viz_type": "dist_bar", "x_axis_label": "Country", "x_ticks_layout": "auto", "y_axis_format": "d", "y_axis_label": "# Projects in common"}
Query Context None
Description The chart shows the number of projects with partners from both the countries featured in the horizontal axis and those in the verifical axis. The only filters acting on this chart are: NUTS0 (countries); Programming periods; Programme types; Programmes. Do not sum the number of projects per country to get the overall number, since a project is featured in as many countries as the partners based on those countries. And please be sure to check how representative the data in is vis-à-vis the overall sector, in the page on Representativeness. On this chart only _NUTS0_, _Programme types_, _Programmes_ and _Programme periods_ filters apply
Cache Timeout None
Perm [keep_drupal_staging].[superset_legacy_collaborations](id:5)
Schema Perm None
Last Saved At 2019-11-08 16:33:28
Certified By None
Certification Details None
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