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Last Saved By Sofokus Admin
Owners [Ivan Lazarov, Sofokus Admin]
Table superset_projects
Created By Sofokus Admin
Changed By Sofokus Admin
Uuid e63d861a-ecc6-cffa-9516-dbaffb96a20b
Created On 2019-12-15 06:21:04.560236
Changed On 2020-04-09 07:13:56.869142
Name Projects per NUTS0
Datasource Id 14
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name superset_projects
Visualization Type deck_scatter
Parameters {"adhoc_filters": [], "autozoom": true, "color_picker": {"a": 1, "b": 135, "g": 122, "r": 0}, "color_scheme": "keep_green", "datasource": "14__table", "dimension": "nuts_0_title", "filter_nulls": true, "granularity": null, "granularity_sqla": null, "js_columns": [], "label_colors": {}, "legend_format": null, "legend_position": "tr", "mapbox_style": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "max_radius": 50, "min_radius": 2, "multiplier": 100, "point_radius_fixed": {"type": "metric", "value": "count_distinct_projects"}, "point_unit": "radius_m", "row_limit": null, "slice_id": 338, "spatial": {"latCol": "partnership_nuts_0_lat", "lonCol": "partnership_nuts_0_lng", "type": "latlong"}, "time_range": "No filter", "url_params": {}, "viewport": {"altitude": 1.5, "bearing": 0, "height": 799, "latitude": 56.237622753340354, "longitude": 20.31973999727215, "maxPitch": 60, "maxZoom": 24, "minPitch": 0, "minZoom": 0, "pitch": 0, "transitionDuration": 0, "transitionInterpolator": {"propNames": ["longitude", "latitude", "zoom", "bearing", "pitch"]}, "transitionInterruption": 1, "width": 1229, "zoom": 3.345504999481303}, "viz_type": "deck_scatter"}
Query Context None
Description Click on the question mark next to the header to find out more and understand some simple cautions for dealing with this data. Use the filters on the left to get the figures adjusted to your geography, thematic interest, programming period, etc. After adjusting the map to your interests, export it to Excel to get hold of the figures, or save the image for your use.
Cache Timeout None
Perm [keep_statistics].[superset_projects](id:14)
Schema Perm None
Last Saved At 2020-04-09 07:13:56.869142
Certified By None
Certification Details None
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