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Table superset_legacy_master
Created By Sofokus Admin
Changed By Sofokus Admin
Uuid 62378782-943e-f5c6-6ae3-e56fdd39c694
Created On 2018-10-25 09:14:22
Changed On 2018-10-30 09:54:53
Name Project, Partnerships and Budget - NUTS3 Level
Datasource Id 1
Datasource Type table
Datasource Name superset_legacy_master
Visualization Type table
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Query Context None
Description None
Cache Timeout None
Perm [keep_drupal_burp].[superset_legacy_master](id:1)
Schema Perm None
Last Saved At 2018-10-30 09:54:53
Certified By None
Certification Details None
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