Show Table

Column Verbose Name Type Groupable Filterable Is temporal
project_end_date None DATE
project_start_date None DATE
partnership_nuts_1_lat None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_1_lng None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_2_lat None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_2_lng None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_3_lat None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_3_lng None DOUBLE PRECISION
project_total_budget None NUMERIC(11, 2)
partnership_total_budget None NUMERIC(11, 2)
project_theme_id None INTEGER
programme_id None INTEGER
programme_title None VARCHAR(255)
programme_period_id None INTEGER
programme_period_title None VARCHAR(255)
nuts_2_id None INTEGER
programme_type_title None VARCHAR(255)
nuts_0_id None INTEGER
nuts_0_title None VARCHAR(255)
nuts_1_id None INTEGER
project_theme_title Theme VARCHAR(255)
project_id None BIGINT
partnership_id None BIGINT
nuts_1_title None VARCHAR(255)
nuts_2_title None VARCHAR(255)
nuts_3_id None INTEGER
nuts_3_title None VARCHAR(255)
thematic_objective_id None INTEGER
thematic_objective_content None TEXT
investment_priority_id None INTEGER
investment_priority_content None TEXT
thematic_priority_id None INTEGER
thematic_priority_content None TEXT
programme_type_id None INTEGER
partnership_nuts_0_lat None DOUBLE PRECISION
partnership_nuts_0_lng None DOUBLE PRECISION
Record Count: 37
Metric Verbose Name Type
count_distinct_themes Number of Themes None
count_distinct_projects Number of Projects None
count COUNT(*) count
sum_partnership_budgets Aggregated Partnership Budgets (€) None
Record Count: 4
Table Name superset_projects
Sql None
Enable Filter Select False
Fetch Values Predicate None
Database keep_statistics
Schema None
Description None
Owners []
Main Datetime Column project_start_date
Default Endpoint None
Offset 0
Cache Timeout None
SQL Lab View False
Template parameters None
Extra None
Perm [keep_statistics].[superset_projects](id:14)
Associated Charts [Number of starting projects per year, Projects per NUTS0, Projects, Programmes, projects, partnerships and budgets per country (2014-2020), Budget (2014-2020 only) per five main themes per project start year, Number of starting projects per year, Programmes, projects, partnerships and budgets per NUTS2, Themes, Projects per theme, Projects per programming period, Budget (2014-2020 only) per starting projects per year, Budget (2014-2020 only) per five main themes per project start year, Avarage project budget by theme, TEST AVG BY THEME, Budget (2014-2020 only) per starting projects per year, Projects per type of programme, Projects per NUTS1, Projects per NUTS0, Projects per Thematic Objective (2014-2020), Projects per Investment Priority (2014-2020), Projects per Thematic Priority (2014-2020), Average project budget by theme., Projects, Themes, Projects per NUTS1, Projects per theme]